LifeTeen is our high school fellowship group that focuses on bringing teens closer to Christ through genuine encounter with Jesus and one another.
LifeTeen meets each week from 7:30-9:00pm in Providence House.
Follow us on Instagram @SaintJohnsLifeTeen
Sign up for text alerts by texting "SJBLIFETEEN" to 84576.
Contact: Karen Glotzbach
Scroll down for contact info.
Pickleball Tournament
Permission Slip Annual Medical Form
We have three Scout troops that operate at St. John:
Troop 519 (girl) is led by Scoutmaster Theresa Dirig
Troop 19 (boy) is led by Scoutmaster Frank Serrani
Troop 3019 (cub) is led by Scoutmaster Jon Yankowiak
The Scout troops meet each week on campus.
Throughout the year, the troops go on outdoor adventures, sell Christmas wreathes, help decorate the church for Christmas, and enjoy a wide variety of other activities.
Contact: Theresa Dirig
Scroll down for contact info.
The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney as a Catholic fraternity for men that also provided financially for families affected by ilness or death of their breadwinner. It has since grown to include thousands of councils around the world.
Our St. John's council #16396 is called the Bishop John D'Arcy Council and consists of men trying to build of the faith in the domestic church of their families and the wider church of our parish.
Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6-7pm in Providence House.
Our council seeks to help with whatever needs our pastor, parish, and bishop identify which has included blood drives, parish picnics, the festival, fish fries, serving at Mass, and seminarian support.
About the Bishop John D'Arcy Council, #16396
We are Catholic men building a bridge back to faith. There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world
If you are interested in becoming a Knight, reach out to Mike Shank.
Contact: Mike Shank
Scroll down for contact info.
All men ages 21 and older are invited to an evening of fellowship, food, and discussion on the last Friday of each month from 6:30-8:00pm. The group meets in the rectory.
JOY (Just Older Youth) is our parish group for seniors. They meet roughly once a month off campus. Outings are promoted in the bulletin and on social media.
Contact: Becky Kelker
Scroll down for contact info.